Saturday 2 May 2009

have you seen face to faith in the Guardian today yes yes yes

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Ducks - more a Yes and a No so far as I am concerned, Theo Hobson writes as a liberal who finds that the Church of England isn't as broad as he had thought: well, that's no discovery for some of us. If we get obsessive about history, we look back to 1662 and all that - a perfidious Stuart going back on his promises, leading to the Church of England driving out a vast number of good caring minister who wouldn't toe the party line.
    If being immersed in this kind of ancient history is too dangerous (as Ireland in our lifetime suggests)- then just remember the 1980s and the failure of the proposed Covenant - thanks to the vote of the Anglican clergy. Which led to one bishop describing his church as being "un-unitable with".
    I wish the Theo Hobsons of this world would work to broaden their own Church rather than construct radical alternatives which will probably prove non-sustainable!
