Saturday, 2 May 2009

have you seen face to faith in the Guardian today yes yes yes

Friday, 1 May 2009

Getting started

Being Synod Clerk means hearing a whole range of opinions across our churches. Just today, for instance -
1) a colleague has complained that we're given notice of ministers' courses far too late for us to have an chance of getting organised to go on them (Yes: I agree! - and he had the grace to acknowledge it's not MY fault);
2) another colleague voiced the opinion that an event he was organising would be seen as "another of those things that synod wishes upon us" (Yes: he could be right!); and
3) an elder asked me how we were going to make sure that lay people take more initatives when there are fewer ministers round to give a lead (Why on earth did she ask ME??)

In other words, there are conversation-starters being thrown out all the time.

Blogging is totally new to me - but this blog is offered as a means of taking some of these and other conversations that much further. It's open not just to people from the churches of our synod, but for anyone who wants to add to the debate.

Don't be shy - have your say! Add your comment to anything you find here....