Saturday, 12 November 2011

Dying to live -- Vision 2020 Northern Synod

The group remaining in the Church at the Synod at Wideopen commented on the Northern Synod Strategy. They had both supportive and negative comments to share. Whilst the Plan was accepted in principle it was agreed that Mission Executive needed to do some additional work to make it more acceptable to the majority.

It would be helpful to hear where the tweaking/rewriting needs to be done to make it more universally acceptable to our churches. You will recall that there is no requirement to adopt the whole approach - some churches will want to focus on just one or two themes   to re-energise mission in their communities.
Some of the comments from the floor may be useful in helping people suggest where a different wording or approach may be required:

  • Felt inspired by the ideas and felt there was plenty in the documentation to attract churches wanting to find something to re-energise themselves
  • Whilst unwilling to wholeheartedly endorse the approach it was suggested that whilst it would not change the world it looked a very worthwhile exercise for churches to undertake.
  • Several people felt that Elderships were ageing and their energies were already focused on day-to-day church matters.  They felt they could not cope with anything new.
  • Concern that LMMR which might help Churches review their positions and plan for the future with support from others wasn’t yet off the ground and there was scepticism that sufficient other support would be available.
  • Some showed impatience with yet another initiative .Don't fiddle whilst Rome burns. ! Do things!  Have faith but do things now!
  • The statements in the document help people to think clearly -- they provide signposts and are therefore helpful.
  • Dying to Live isn’t a good name.  Generally people will not connect with the concept and therefore it will have negative connotations with many church members.
  • A feeling that the church is not using its financial resources well.  Churches in vacancy are paying considerable sums in M& M. and pulpit fees.  This money might be better used by those churches to further their local mission ambitions.
  • We have to focus on growth otherwise we will die!
  • Ecumenism just obscures falling membership -- Growth in the URC is the key. But how?
  • Concerns  that we may have a ” Bishop- led synod” -- give ministers the opportunity to address the problems of falling congregations in a collegial way.  Give them their head!
  • This is another initiative which glosses over problems -- we need people on the ground to develop mission opportunities which might fuel church growth.


Sue Bush

Member- Mission Executive