This afternoon we went to his birthday party. Hillian’s first day here in Maputo was spent at one family’s celebrations; now on our last day we’ve shared in another’s. The venue was a kindergarten in an upmarket area of the city. Just like home, there were rows of balloons on the railings outside, in case we were uncertain where to go. But the bouncy castle in front of the building gave the game away really.
Round the back was the party proper. Small tables were laid ready for some sixty children, while probably more than that number of adults were sitting at bigger tables and getting ready to tuck into the serious food. Bongani’s grandparents, who had invited us, explained that while the size of African families prevents everyone attending everyone’s birthday celebrations every year, for special birthdays like this one everyone comes together.Sadly we had to leave before the cake was cut. Or rather cakes – there seemed to be several of them, nestling beneath rainbow arches of balloons. But our afternoon had a more serious purpose – we were due at the third English language service at Khovo. We knew attendance was going to be small, as there were many things on in the church this weekend; but the faithful few who were there have promised us that the service will continue. And their gratitude was expressed in the traditional way – well with a bit of twist. Hillian has another kapulana, but I am now the proud owner of a Mandela-style African shirt.
So that’s the last of the last things to do. It's just a case now of a bit of a debriefing session at Khovo in the morning before going off to the airport for the mid afternoon flight. I’m not sure what I will be expected to say then, or indeed what I will want to say. I think we need time to stand back from the experience and reflect on it – both in terms of what it has meant for us personally, and what we can draw from it to strengthen our two Churches.That’s hardly blogging material – so I think it is time to sign off this Mozambique blog. Thanks for following!
John Durell
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