Monday, 8 July 2013

Synod Pilgrimage - Monday

We numbered nine pilgrims walking from Selkirk to Galashiels, in the first day of our journey to mark Flodden 500. The weather was unusually hot and we were graced with the excellent hospitality of the ladies of Selkirk URC who provided tea and coffee to accompany our packed lunches. A short service led by our Moderator Rowena Francis followed and we were each given a candle to remind us of the peace and reconciliation theme of the Northern Synod Pilgrimage 2013. The tenth member of our team was Norma our minibus driver - a welcome sight at the end of the first eight miles

Selkirk Peace Garden
A visit to the Selkirk Peace Garden was a tranquil moment before starting the climb out of the town. Soon, we were among hills, sheep, horses and a buzzard or two, identified by our physical walk leader Henry Gowland. We mused over the miles and miles of our country where there are no people at all, just creatures of the four-legged variety and an abundance of insects enjoying the blistering sunshine more than us at times!

We had various stops along the way when our second spiritual leader Mary regaled us with snippets of history even pre-dating the 1513 Battle of Flodden. Our backgrounds may have been quite different, but we fell into the easy conversation of friends sharing a common purpose.

Our route followed the Borders Abbeys Way, passing Lindean and Cauldshiels Lochs towards Abbotsford House once home of Sir Walter Scott, while the Eildon Hills were never far from view. We felt our spiritual journey had started in a very special place

Olive Ford and Maggie Davison

1 comment:

  1. I know Selkirk URC. I spent a few years in Selkirk. A lovely town.
