The chance meeting came about because my
nephew’s wife, Michelle works as a part time secretary at St Augustine’s
Seminary which was celebrating its centenary by hosting a college open day. The
Seminary was established
in 1913 as the first major seminary built in English-speaking Canada for the
training of diocesan priests. For more than eight decades, the seminary has
been a renewing source of study and reflection enabling men of faith to mature
both in knowledge and commitment. It was interesting to note that
the college chapel is modelled on the refectory of Queen’s College

was introduced to the Cardinal as a reformed minister (I jokingly said we were
still good friends). The subject of our conversation centred on Pope Francis,
whom we agreed was proving to be a pontiff of surprises. He may be conservative
on doctrine but he is the opposite in style. We agreed his grand gestures of
humility – carrying his own suitcase, making calls on his mobile, staying in a
hostel, washing the feet of prisoners including Muslims, providing food for the
homeless endeared him to a wider audience outside the church. On Copacabana
beach he attracted 3 million people – perhaps more than World Cup beach
viewers. His series of new appointments in the Vatican, removing the old guard
and replacing them with more open minded officials was to be welcomed as indeed
his rejection of small minded rules and the rule of the Curia. Pope Francis has
shown both imagination and resolution for change within his church. Although he
is not abandoning traditional teaching he is urging his church to get its
priorities in order. He is a Pope reintroducing the essence of Christianity to
the world. He is a transforming Pope, of this we both agreed.

many years it was accepted that Christianity was all but dead, its foundations
destroyed by modern science and rationalism, left behind by the cultural and
sexual revolution of the Sixties. The figures seem to bear this out. Church
attendance — which stood at around 50 per cent in the middle of the 19th
century – had declined to around 12 per cent in 1979, or 5.4 million.
Despondent churchmen judge that in an era of materialism and selfishness there
were just too many alternative attractions — Sunday shopping, sports fixtures
and the relentless secularism.
But change is afoot. The
dramatic decline in church attendance over the last few decades has
nevertheless slowed. Peter
Oborne, writing in The Telegraph, January
2012 states in an age of austerity there is still that yearning for faith. Giles
Fraser, who famously resigned as the Canon of St Paul’s argues that a hunger
for spirituality and meaning lies behind the recent rise in church attendances.
James Jones, Bishop of Liverpool, agrees: "When the material world gets knocked
people are forced to think again and that’s when Christianity does have
something important to say. The ground is now more fertile for the spread of
the Christian message.”
This new hunger for faith has spread into Britain’s cathedrals too. According to Lynda Barley, the head of research at the Archbishops’ Council, attendance at Britain’s 43 cathedrals rose by seven per cent last year, with 15,800 adults and more than 3,000 children attending Sunday service.
This new hunger for faith has spread into Britain’s cathedrals too. According to Lynda Barley, the head of research at the Archbishops’ Council, attendance at Britain’s 43 cathedrals rose by seven per cent last year, with 15,800 adults and more than 3,000 children attending Sunday service.
today are also finding new kinds of ways of connecting with the local community;
and more than 1.5 million people now use their churches as a base for voluntary
work, according to the National Churches Trust.
are wistful and positive signs that there may well be a return to church going
in our changing culture, perhaps not in a traditional sense, but nevertheless
churches of the future shaped by the message of the gospel. As seminaries and
ministers training colleges close in
today's recession-dominated ministry where funds are not as easily available for
stipend-dependent ministry, new models and leadership of church life are
beginning to emerge. That surely must be encouraging news for Cardinals and the
United Reformed Church.
Ray Anglesea
Toronto June 2014
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